托福 GRE 範文 模擬考 外國網站



它提供了美國各大考試的TPO 題庫,以及網民上傳的範文。每一個考題都有數個版本的範文可以參考。我認為這是一個很有價值的網站。因為它很多的資料都是免費的。其實準備寫作上,托福與GRE 分析寫作可以看成是對於未來研究所寫論文的思想鍛鍊。當然GRE的難度較高,但是兩者有許多部分是相通的。好比在恰當處使用恰當的片語,或是利用正確的文法簡潔的切重要旨。這個網站的範文來自世界各地的網友,所以可以拿來對照檢視自己的台式文法錯誤。另外,也可以透過他國考生的文章來了解他國學生對同一議題的看法,提升自己的思想包容性。透過閱讀範文的美文佳句,也能增進自己對英文的優美有近一步的理解。



TPO-48 - Independent Writing Task Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Because modern life is very complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize.


Since today's technology is advancing rapidly and the world changes continuously, therefore, the modern life is very complex and I believe that it would be essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize, because it results in better time management, being successful and reducing mistakes.

Planning and organizing helps the youth to manage their time more efficiently. Today, efficient use of time is very important, because technology is progressing very fast and it makes a lot of changes throughout the world which in turn causes a lot of complexity in people's lives. If someone wants to follow these changes and comfort his life, he must know that how to manage the time. Therefore, Having the ability to plan and organize the life enables people, especially the youngers, to manage their time better.

In addition, organizing the life helps individuals to be successful. I believe that what really enables people to be successful is how they keep discipline in their lives. Life works like a system and as the technology advances, this system becomes more complex, which in turn makes the accessibility to success very hard. But, having the ability to plan and organize helps this system to work in a good shape and leads it to the success is planning and organizing.
Having a plan helps the youngers to make less mistakes. Today, the world is changing very fast and the people's lives become more complex every second, therefore making mistakes may have irrecoverable costs in their lives. However planning enables individuals, especially the youth to reduce their mistakes and manage their lives with a high level of precision.
In conclusion, today as the technology advances, the people's lives become more complex and the importance of having the ability to plan and organize will be more noticeable for young people, since it helps them to manage their time more efficiently, to be a successful person and avoid to make mistakes.

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